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Oberour John Escott |
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Titl : England Doare an teul : testenn voulet Oberourien : John Escott Embanner : Oxford University Press, 2008 Dastumad : Oxford bookworms Niver a bajennoù : 56 p ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-423380-4 Notenn hollek : Accompanied by a sound disc. Yezh : Saozneg (eng) Diverradenn : Twenty-five million people come to England every year, and some never go out of London. But England is full of interesting places to visit and things to do. There are big noisy cities with great shops and theatres, and quiet little villages. You can visit old castles and beautiful churches - or go to festivals with music twenty-four hours a day. You can have an English afternoon tea, walk on long white beaches, watch a great game of football, or visit a country house. Yes, England has something for everybody - what has it got for you? Doare an teul : teul-titouriñ Danvez-skol : Anglais England [testenn voulet] / John Escott . - Oxford University Press, 2008 . - 56 p. - (Oxford bookworms) .
ISBN : 978-0-19-423380-4
Accompanied by a sound disc.
Yezh : Saozneg (eng)
Diverradenn : Twenty-five million people come to England every year, and some never go out of London. But England is full of interesting places to visit and things to do. There are big noisy cities with great shops and theatres, and quiet little villages. You can visit old castles and beautiful churches - or go to festivals with music twenty-four hours a day. You can have an English afternoon tea, walk on long white beaches, watch a great game of football, or visit a country house. Yes, England has something for everybody - what has it got for you? Doare an teul : teul-titouriñ Danvez-skol : Anglais Skouerennoù (1)
Cote Section Localisation Code-barres Statud Tem 914 ESC ENG teul-titouriñ Plijidi 002474 Kollet
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Titl : Forrest Gump Doare an teul : testenn voulet Oberourien : Winston Groom, Oberour ; John Escott, Aozer Embanner : Pearson Education, 1996 Dastumad : Penguin readers Niver a bajennoù : 50 p ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 1-405-87675-1 Yezh : Saozneg (eng) Diverradenn : Everybody tells Forrest Gump that he's an idiot. But he's a great football player, and he plays the harmonica beautifully. He's also a brave soldier. But can he ever marry the girl he loves? This story of his journey through life is sometimes sad and sometimes very funny. Notenn diwar-benn danvez an teul : Levr e saozneg eeün. Doare an teul : levr faltazi Live : skolaj 6vet Forrest Gump [testenn voulet] / Winston Groom, Oberour ; John Escott, Aozer . - Pearson Education, 1996 . - 50 p. - (Penguin readers) .
ISBN : 1-405-87675-1
Yezh : Saozneg (eng)
Diverradenn : Everybody tells Forrest Gump that he's an idiot. But he's a great football player, and he plays the harmonica beautifully. He's also a brave soldier. But can he ever marry the girl he loves? This story of his journey through life is sometimes sad and sometimes very funny. Notenn diwar-benn danvez an teul : Levr e saozneg eeün. Doare an teul : levr faltazi Live : skolaj 6vet Da vezañ miret
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Skouerennoù (1)
Cote Section Localisation Code-barres Statud Tem RS GR FOR lennegezh Plijidi 000625 E stad vat
Titl : Johnny English Doare an teul : testenn voulet Oberourien : John Escott ; Neal Purvis ; Robert Wade ; Will Davies Embanner : Pearson Education, 2008 Niver a bajennoù : 30 p ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4058-8162-3 Notenn hollek : Accompanied by an audio CD.Based on the film, a James Bond parody with Rowan Atkinson in the title role. Yezh : Saozneg (eng) Menegeradur : 428.6 Diverradenn : Based on the film, a James Bond parody with Rowan Atkinson in the title role.
Johnny English is a Secret Service agent. He often makes very bad mistakes. But now he’s got an important job: security for the Queen and her crown. There are problems – a lot of problems. But is Johnny English England’s only hope?Doare an teul : levr faltazi Johnny English [testenn voulet] / John Escott ; Neal Purvis ; Robert Wade ; Will Davies . - Pearson Education, 2008 . - 30 p.
ISBN : 978-1-4058-8162-3
Accompanied by an audio CD.Based on the film, a James Bond parody with Rowan Atkinson in the title role.
Yezh : Saozneg (eng)
Menegeradur : 428.6 Diverradenn : Based on the film, a James Bond parody with Rowan Atkinson in the title role.
Johnny English is a Secret Service agent. He often makes very bad mistakes. But now he’s got an important job: security for the Queen and her crown. There are problems – a lot of problems. But is Johnny English England’s only hope?Doare an teul : levr faltazi Da vezañ miret
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Skouerennoù (1)
Cote Section Localisation Code-barres Statud Tem RS ESC JOH lennegezh Plijidi 002818 E stad vat
Titl : Kidnap Doare an teul : testenn voulet Oberourien : John Escott, Oberour Embanner : Oxford University Press, 2005 Dastumad : Dominoes Niver a bajennoù : 44 p ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 0-19-424450-4 Yezh : Saozneg (eng) Kidnap [testenn voulet] / John Escott, Oberour . - Oxford University Press, 2005 . - 44 p. - (Dominoes) .
ISBN : 0-19-424450-4
Yezh : Saozneg (eng)Da vezañ miret
Mirout an teul-mañ
Skouerennoù (1)
Cote Section Localisation Code-barres Statud Tem RS ESC KID lennegezh Plijidi 000280 E stad vat
Titl : London Doare an teul : testenn voulet Oberourien : John Escott Embanner : Oxford University Press, 2008 Niver a bajennoù : 56 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-423374-3 Yezh : Saozneg (eng) Diverradenn : Levrig da ginnig kêr Londrez. Doare an teul : teul-titouriñ London [testenn voulet] / John Escott . - Oxford University Press, 2008 . - 56 p.
ISBN : 978-0-19-423374-3
Yezh : Saozneg (eng)
Diverradenn : Levrig da ginnig kêr Londrez. Doare an teul : teul-titouriñ Skouerennoù (1)
Cote Section Localisation Code-barres Statud Tem 914 ESC LON teul-titouriñ Plijidi 002472 Kollet
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